- 論 文
- Okada R, Ito Y, Yamasaki M (2025-04) Antennal responses to volatiles related to host location in the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus (Murayama). Journal of Chemical Ecology 51: 27.
- 10.1007/s10886-025-01580-8
- Suetsugu K, Okada H, Hirota SK, Yamasaki M, Imaichi R, Ebihara A (2025-02) Drastic mycorrhizal community shifts in Sceptridium ferns during the generational transition from fully mycoheterotrophic gametophytes to photosynthetic sporophytes. New Phytologist 245(4): 1705-1711.
- 10.1111/nph.20330
- Pham DL, Ito Y, Yamasaki M (2025-02) Response of the oak ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus (Coleoptera: Platypodinae) to volatiles from fresh and dried leaves. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 19: 5.
- 10.1007/s11829-024-10114-0
- Suetsugu K, Yamasaki M (2024-12) Influence of body size on the dual role of isopod Porcellio scaber in seed dispersal and predation of the mycoheterotrophic plant Monotropastrum humile. Ecological Entomology 49(6): 970-973.
- 10.1111/een.13356
- Hata C, Endo C, Tanaka H, Hiruma M, Kumamoto M, Takenaka I, Makino T, Niinaka K, Suyama Y, Hirota SK, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y (2024-11) Conservation units and the origin of planted individuals of an endangered endemic species Lobelia boninensis in the Ogasawara Islands. Scientific Reports 14: 27410.
- 10.1038/s41598-024-78452-w
- Katafuchi M, Narita S, Komaki Y, Nagano AJ, Yukawa T, Suyama Y, Hirota SK, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y (2024-09) Comprehensive genetic analysis reveals the genetic structure and diversity of Calanthe hoshii (Orchidaceae), an endemic species of the Ogasawara Islands: Implications for appropriate conservation of a critically endangered species. Plant Species Biology 39(5): 297-305.
- 10.1111/1442-1984.12479
- Sakaguchi S, Fukumoto S, Yamasaki M (2024-07) Gamblea innovans f. simplicifolia (Araliaceae), a new form discovered in Honshu, Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 75(2): 113-115.
- 10.18942/apg.202405
- Yamasaki M, Tatsumi K, Kobayashi T, Ito Y (2024-02) Wrong landing on a non-host occurs under the canopy of a host: the presumed path of the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus to approach its host. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 26(1): 135-147.
- 10.1111/afe.12601
- Kadowaki K, Honjo M, Nakamura N, Kotagawa Y, Ishihara MI, Matsuoka S, Tachiki Y, Fukushima K, Sakaguchi S, Mizuki I, Fujiki D, Sakai M, Takayanagi A, Yamasaki M, Tokuchi N, Takahashi D, Nagasawa K, Masuda K (2023-11) eDNA metabarcoding analysis reveals the consequence of creating ecosystem-scale refugia from deer grazing for the soil microbial communities. Environmental DNA 5(6): 1732-1742.
- 10.1002/edn3.498
- Yamasaki M, Tatsumi K, Ito Y (2023-10) Capture of the oak ambrosia beetle within the host tree canopy. The Canadian Entomologist 155: E28.
- 10.4039/tce.2023.20
- Kuma H, Ito Y, Ikeno H, Yamasaki M (2021-04) Beetles prefer steeply angled crevices: effects of wood surface structure on the initiation of hole boring on Platypus quercivorus. Journal of Forest Research 26(2): 155-160.
- 10.1080/13416979.2020.1870064
- Pham DL, Ito Y, Okada R, Ikeno H, Yamasaki M (2021-04) Females invest more energy in flight: flight characteristics of Platypus quercivorus (Murayama) revealed by a flight mill. Journal of Forest Research 26(2): 143-151.
- 10.1080/13416979.2021.1872761
- Pham DL, Ito Y, Okada R, Ikeno H, Kazama, H, Mori, N, Yamasaki M (2020-12) Platypus quercivorus ambrosia beetles use leaf volatiles in host selection. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 168(12): 928-939.
- 10.1111/eea.12993
- Mizuki I, Itô H, Yamasaki M, Fukumoto S, Okamoto Y, Katsuki M, Fukushima K, Sakai M, Sakaguchi S, Fujiki D, Nakagawa H, Ishihara MI, Takayanagi A (2020-06) Seasonal and annual fluctuations of deer populations estimated by a Bayesian state-space model. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0225872.
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0225872
- Pham DL, Ito Y, Okada R, Ikeno H, Isagi Y, Yamasaki M (2019-11) Effects of leaf conditions and flight activity on the behaviour of Platypus quercivorus (Murayama) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 143(9): 1000-1010.
- 10.1111/jen.12671
- Sakaguchi S, Horie K, Ishikawa N, Nishio S, Worth, JRP, Fukushima K, Yamasaki M, Ito M (2019-01) Maintenance of soil ecotypes of Solidago virgaurea in close parapatry via divergent flowering time and selection against immigrants. Journal of Ecology 107(1): 418-435.
- 10.1111/1365-2745.13034
- Okada R, Pham DL, Ito Y, Yamasaki M, Ikeno H (2018-08) Measuring the flight ability of the ambrosia beetle, Platypus quercivorus (Murayama), using a low-cost, small, and easily constructed flight mill. Journal of Visualized Experiments 138: e57468.
- 10.3791/57468
- Sakata Y, Craig T, Itami J, Yamasaki M, Ohgushi T (2017-11) Parallel environmental factors drive variation in insect density and plant resistance in the native and invaded ranges. Ecology 98(11): 2873-2884.
- 10.1002/ecy.1978
- Pham DL, Ito Y, Okada R, Ikeno H, Isagi Y, Yamasaki M (2017-05) Phototactic behavior of the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus (Murayama) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) before and after flight. Journal of Insect Behavior 30(3): 318-330.
- 10.1007/s10905-017-9615-3
- Ando H, Sasaki T, Horikoshi K, Suzuki H, Chiba H, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y (2017-04) Wide-ranging movement and foraging strategy of the critically endangered Red-headed Wood Pigeon (Columba janthina nitens): findings from a remote uninhabited island. Pacific Science 71(2): 161-170.
- 10.2984/71.2.5
- Yamasaki M, Kaneko T, Takayanagi A, Ando M (2016-08) Analysis of oak tree mortality to predict ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus movement. Forest Science 62(4): 377-384.
- 10.5849/forsci.15-121
- Iidzuka H, Goto, H, Yamasaki M, Osawa N (2016-08) Wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae, Platypodidae) captured in ethanol-baited traps in a natural forest in Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology 51(3): 347-352.
- 10.1007/s13355-016-0406-7
- Sakata Y, Yamasaki M, Ohgushi T (2016-07) Urban landscape and forest vegetation regulate the range expansion of an exotic lace bug Corythucha marmorata (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Entomological Science 19(3): 315-318.
- 10.1111/ens.12197
- Nakahama N, Yamasaki M, Takayanagi A (2016-07) Mass emergence of a specialist sawfly species on unpalatable herbs under severe feeding pressure by sika deer. Entomological Science 19(3): 268-274.
- 10.1111/ens.12181
- Izuno A, Tanabe AS, Toju H, Yamasaki M, Indrioko S, Isagi Y (2016-05) Structure of phyllosphere fungal communities in a tropical dipterocarp plantation: a massively parallel next-generation sequencing analysis. Mycoscience 57(3): 171-180.
- 10.1016/j.myc.2015.12.005
- Ando H, Setsuko S, Horikoshi K, Suzuki H, Umehara S, Yamasaki M, Hanya G, Inoue-Murayama M, Isagi Y (2016-04) Seasonal and inter-island variation in the foraging strategy of the critically endangered Red-headed Wood Pigeon Columba janthina nitens in disturbed island habitats derived from high-throughput sequencing. Ibis 158(2): 291-304.
- 10.1111/ibi.12345
- Tarno H, Qi H, Yamasaki M, Kobayashi M, Futai K (2016-02) The behavioral role of males of Platypus quercivorus Murayama in their subsocial colonies. Agrivita 38(1): 47-54.
- 10.17503/agrivita.v38i1.778
- Sakata Y, Yamasaki M (2015-12) Deer overbrowsing on autumn-flowering plants causes bumblebee decline and impairs pollination service. Ecosphere 6(12): 274.
- 10.1890/ES15-00401.1
- Nakahara F, Ando H, Ito H, Murakami A, Morimoto N, Yamasaki M, Takayanagi A, Isagi Y (2015-11) The applicability of DNA barcoding for dietary analysis of sika deer. DNA Barcodes 3: 200-206.
- 10.1515/dna-2015-0021
- Sakata Y, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y, Ohgushi T (2014-09) An exotic herbivorous insect drives the evolution of resistance in the exotic perennial herb Solidago altissima. Ecology 95(9): 2569-2578.
- 10.1890/13-1455.1
- Sakata Y, Sakaguchi S, Yamasaki M (2014-05) Does community-level floral abundance affect the pollination success of a rewardless orchid Calanthe reflexa Maxim.? Plant Species Biology 29(2): 159-168.
- 10.1111/1442-1984.12004
- Iidzuka H, Goto H, Yamasaki M, Osawa N (2014-04) Ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) on Fagus crenata Blume: community structure, seasonal population trends, and resource utilization patterns. Entomological Science 17(2): 167-180.
- 10.1111/ens.12042
- Yamasaki M, Ito Y, Ando M (2014-03) Mass attack by the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus occurs in single trees and in groups of trees. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(3): 243-249.
- 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0273
- Yamasaki M, Ito Y, Ando M (2014-02) The effect of stem density on the probability of attack by the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus varies with spatial scale. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 16(1): 54-62.
- 10.1111/afe.12033
- Mizusawa L, Takimoto G, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y, Hasegawa M (2014-01) Comparison of pollination characteristics between the insular shrub Clerodendrum izuinsulare and its widespread congener C. trichotomum. Plant Species Biology 29(1): 73-84.
- 10.1111/j.1442-1984.2012.00385.x
- Mizuki I, Sakaguchi S, Fukushima K, Sakai M, Takayanagi A, Fujiki D, Yamasaki M (2013-12) Among-year variation in deer population density index estimated from drive count surveys. Journal of Forest Research 18(6): 491-497.
- 10.1007/s10310-012-0379-5
- Worth JRP, Sakaguchi S, Tanaka N, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y (2013-02) Northern richness and southern poverty: contrasting genetic footprints of glacial refugia in the relictual tree Sciadopitys verticillata (Coniferales: Sciadopityaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108(2): 263-277.
- 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2012.02017.x
- Sakaguchi S, Yamasaki M, Tanaka C, Isagi Y (2012-12) Examining the factors influencing leaf disease intensity of Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb. ex Murray) Koidzumi (Araliaceae) over multiple spatial scales: from the individual, forest stand, to the regions in the Japanese Archipelago. Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 35(4): 359-365.
- 10.5141/JEFB.2012.032
- Yamasaki M, Iizuka H, Futai K (2012-09) Reproductive success of the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus on Quercus laurifolia planted in Japan. Forest Research, Kyoto 78: 29-38.
- https://hdl.handle.net/2433/193447
- Naito R, Yamasaki M, Imanishi A, Natuhara Y, Morimoto Y (2012-09) Effects of water management, connectivity, and surrounding land use on habitat use by frogs in rice paddies in Japan. Zoological Science 29(9): 577-584.
- 10.2108/zsj.29.577
- Sakaguchi S, Qiu Y-X, Liu Y-H, Qi X-S, Kim S-H, Han J, Takeuchi Y, Worth, JRP, Yamasaki M, Sakurai S, Isagi Y (2012-08) Climate oscillation during the Quaternary associated with landscape heterogeneity promoted allopatric lineage divergence of a temperate tree Kalopanax septemlobus (Araliaceae) in East Asia. Molecular Ecology 21(15): 3823-3838.
- 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05652.x
- Yamasaki M, Futai K (2012-04) Discrimination among host tree species by the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus. Journal of Forest Research 17(2): 149-155.
- 10.1007/s10310-011-0280-7
- Sakaguchi S, Takeuchi Y, Yamasaki M, Sakurai S, Isagi Y (2011-10) Lineage admixture during postglacial range expansion is responsible for the increased gene diversity of Kalopanax septemlobus in a recently colonised territory. Heredity 107(4): 338-348.
- 10.1038/hdy.2011.20
- Sakaguchi S, Sakurai S, Yamasaki M, Isagi Y (2010-11) How did the exposed seafloor function in postglacial northward range expansion of Kalopanax septemlobus? Evidence from ecological niche modelling. Ecological Research 25(6): 1183-1195.
- 10.1007/s11284-010-0743-x
- Mizuki I, Yamasaki M, Kakutani T, Isagi Y (2010-04) Negligible impact of deer-induced habitat degradation on the genetic diversity of extant Bombus diversus populations in comparison with museum specimens. Journal of Insect Conservation 14(2): 191-198.
- 10.1007/s10841-009-9245-y
- Yamasaki M, Sakimoto M (2009-12) Predicting oak tree mortality caused by the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus in a cool-temperate forest. Journal of Applied Entomology 133(9-10): 673-681.
- 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2009.01435.x
- Yamasaki M, Futai K (2008-05) Host selection by Platypus quercivorus (Murayama) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) before and after flying to trees. Applied Entomology and Zoology 43(2): 249-257.
- 10.1303/aez.2008.249
- Yamasaki M, Iwatake A, Futai K (2007-10) A low Platypus quercivorus hole density does not necessarily indicate a small flying population. Journal of Forest Research 12(5): 384-387.
- 10.1007/s10310-007-0032-x
- Ishihara MI, Yamasaki M, Yoshikawa J (2007-09) Spatial distribution and abundance of bud galls caused by eriophyoid mites among host trees Carpinus tschonoskii. Journal of Applied Entomology 131(8): 585-587.
- 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2007.01207.x
- Maehara N, Tsuda K, Yamasaki M, Shirakikawa S, Futai K (2006-03) Effect of fungus inoculation on the number of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) carried by Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Nematology 8(1): 59-67.
- 10.1163/156854106776179944
- Yamasaki M, Kikuzawa K (2003-10) Temporal and spatial variations in leaf herbivory within a canopy of Fagus crenata. Oecologia 137(2): 226-232.
- 10.1007/s00442-003-1337-x
- 講演論文集
- Futai K, Kiku H, Qi H, Tarno H, Takeuchi Y, Yamasaki M (2012-10) Host preference of the vector beetle, host resistance, and expanding patterns of Japanese oak wilt in a stand. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry: Disease and Insect Resistance in Forest Trees, pp 126-130.
- https://www.fs.fed.us/psw/publications/documents/psw_gtr240/psw_gtr240_126.pdf
- Yamasaki M (2006-03) What causes spatio-temporal variations in leaf herbivory levels within a canopy of Fagus crenata? Proceedings: IUFRO Kanazawa 2003 "Forest Insect Population Dynamics and Host Influences", pp.31-36.
- https://hdl.handle.net/2297/6219
- 報告書
- Yamasaki M, Iwatake A, Futai K (2006-05) Infestation patterns of Platypus quercivorus on four species of Fagaceae. Reports of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) "Research and formulation of antagonistic fungi to control Japanese Oak Wilt" (Research Project Number: 15380106), pp.64-74.
- 論 文(日本語)
- 伊東康人, 藤堂千景, 山瀬敬太郎, 山崎理正 (2022-06) 小面積皆伐地に植栽した落葉広葉樹3種の初期5年間動態. 日本森林学会誌 104(3): 146-153.
- 10.4005/jjfs.104.146
- 山崎理正 (2022-04) ナラ枯れを引き起こすカシノナガキクイムシの寄主選択過程. 比較生理生化学 39(1): 44-52.
- 10.3330/hikakuseiriseika.39.44
- 福島慶太郎, 阪口翔太, 井上みずき, 藤木大介, 徳地直子, 西岡裕平, 長谷川敦史, 藤井弘明, 山崎理正, 高柳敦 (2014-02) シカによる下層植生の過採食が森林の土壌窒素動態に与える影響. 日本緑化工学会誌 39(3): 360-367.
- 10.7211/jjsrt.39.360
- 阪口翔太, 藤木大介, 井上みずき, 山崎理正, 福島慶太郎, 高柳敦 (2012-09) 日本海側冷温帯性針広混交林におけるニホンジカの植物嗜好性. 森林研究 78: 71-80.
- https://hdl.handle.net/2433/193444
- 阪口翔太, 藤木大介, 井上みずき, 山崎理正, 福島慶太郎, 高柳敦 (2012-09) ニホンジカが多雪地域の樹木個体群の更新過程・種多様性に及ぼす影響. 森林研究 78: 57-69.
- https://hdl.handle.net/2433/193445
- 戸田浩人, 笹賀一郎, 佐藤冬樹, 柴田英昭, 野村睦, 市川一, 藤戸永志, 鷹西俊和, 清和研二, 塚原初男, 飯田俊彰, 谷口憲男, 中田誠, 桑原繁, 内田武次, 春田泰次, 井上淳, 八木久義, 塚越剛史, 蔵治光一郎, 二田美穂, 小野裕, 鈴木道代, 今泉保二, 山口法雄, 竹中千里, 万木豊, 川那辺三郎, 安藤信, 中西麻美, 西村和雄, 山崎理正, 長山泰秀, 土肥奈都子, 片桐成夫, 小藤隆一, 新村義昭, 井上章二, 江崎次夫, 河野修一, 藤久正文, 岩松功, 今安清光, 中村誠司, 塚本次郎, 野上寛五郎, 榎木勉 (2000-08) 全国大学演習林における渓流水質. 日本林学会誌 82(3): 308-312.
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002830962
- 山崎理正, 北川新太郎, 羽谷啓造, 安藤信, 川那辺三郎 (1996-03) 環境モニタリングにおける林外雨採取方法の比較検討. 京都大学農学部演習林集報 29: 84-94.
- http://hdl.handle.net/2433/267109
- 安藤信, 金子隆之, 山崎理正, 川那辺三郎 (1995-10) 京都市域の雨のpHとECの分布 -簡易雨水採取器を用いた初期降雨の測定例-. 日本林学会論文集 106: 211-212.
- 著 書(日本語)
- 山崎理正 (2024-01) 芦生研究林におけるナラ枯れ. 石原正恵, 赤石大輔, 徳地直子編「「大学の森」が見た森と里の再生学 京都芦生・美山での挑戦」, pp.83-88, 京都大学学術出版会.
- 山崎理正 (2023-03) ナラ枯れ. 小池孝良, 塩尻かおり, 中村誠宏, 鎌田直人編「木本植物の被食防衛 ―変動環境下でゆらぐ植食者との関係―」, pp.56-65, 共立出版.
- 山崎理正 (2021-01) 植物・動物の防御機構と防衛戦略. 一般社団法人 日本森林学会編「森林学の百科事典」, pp.116-117, 丸善出版.
- ハグスタルノ, 山崎理正 (2012-04) 親子二世代の連係プレー -木屑が語る坑道の中の社会的な生活. 二井一禎, 竹内祐子, 山崎理正編「微生物生態学への招待 -森をめぐるミクロな世界」, pp.279-292, 京都大学学術出版会.
- 山崎理正 (2012-04) 探索は闇雲じゃなく精確に -微小な昆虫による宿主木の探し方. 二井一禎, 竹内祐子, 山崎理正編「微生物生態学への招待 -森をめぐるミクロな世界」, pp.265-278, 京都大学学術出版会.
- 山崎理正 (2012-04) ナラ枯れ〜病気を森にまき散らす昆虫. 二井一禎, 竹内祐子, 山崎理正編「微生物生態学への招待 -森をめぐるミクロな世界」, pp.262-264, 京都大学学術出版会.
- 山崎理正, 中島皇 (2009-04) フィールド教育の実践. 藤崎憲治, 西田律夫, 佐久間正幸編「昆虫科学が拓く未来」, pp.481-497, 京都大学学術出版会.
- 山崎理正 (2009-04) 環境変化がもたらす森の衰退 -ナラ枯れとカシノナガキクイムシ. 藤崎憲治, 西田律夫, 佐久間正幸編「昆虫科学が拓く未来」, pp.99-113, 京都大学学術出版会.
- 報告書(日本語)
- 芦生生物相保全プロジェクト, 福島慶太郎, 井上みずき, 山崎理正, 阪口翔太, 高柳敦, 境優, 中川光, 平岡真合乃, 吉岡憲成, 池川凜太郎, 石原正恵 (2020-09) 芦生冷温帯天然林における集水域単位のシカ防護柵の生態系機能保全効果と実用性の検証. 自然保護助成基金助成成果報告書 29: 1-13.
- 10.32215/pronatura.29.0_1
- 山崎理正 (2017-07) 森林昆虫研究最近の動向 -第128回日本森林学会大会より-. 森林防疫 66(4): 133-137.
- 安藤信, 山崎理正 (2016-03) 第2章 調査結果 II. 森林植生. 京都市編「八丁平植生継続調査報告書」, pp.29-119, 京都市産業観光局農林振興室林業振興課.
- https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/sankan/page/0000193586.html
- 芦生生物相保全プロジェクト (ABC project), 福島慶太郎, 井上みずき, 境優, 阪口翔太, 岩井有加, 橋本智之, 本田美里, 坂田ゆず, 藤木大介, 山崎理正, 中島皇, 高柳敦 (2013-10) 芦生冷温帯天然林における大規模シカ防除柵設置5年後の生態系機能の回復過程とそのメカニズムに関する研究.「プロ・ナトゥーラ・ファンド助成 第21期 助成成果報告書」, pp.27-52.
- http://www.pronaturajapan.com/archive/pnresults/pnf21/21-4.pdf
- 福島慶太郎, 阪口翔太, 山崎理正, 高柳敦, 井上みずき, 藤木大介, 境優 (2013-03) 大規模防鹿柵を用いた森林生態系機能復元技術の実証.「平成24年度森林環境保全総合対策事業−森林被害対策事業−野生鳥獣による森林生態系への被害対策技術開発事業報告書」, pp.112-124, 株式会社野生動物保護管理事務所.
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- その他(日本語)
- 山崎理正 (2020-01) ナラ枯れを媒介する昆虫の生態. 山林 1628: 56-64.
- 山崎理正 (2017-05) 密集した木は格好の標的 -被害木の解析からカシノナガキクイムシの好みを探る-. 森林防疫 66(3): 86-92.
- 山崎理正, ハグスタルノ, 二井一禎 (2012-05) カシノナガキクイムシが排出するフラスのタイプと宿主樹木の好適性. 森林防疫 61(3): 89-94.
- 井上みずき, 合田禄, 阪口翔太, 藤木大介, 山崎理正, 高柳敦, 藤崎憲治 (2008-12) 「ニホンジカの森林生態系へのインパクト -芦生研究林」企画趣旨. 森林研究 77: 1-4.
- https://hdl.handle.net/2433/192885